

Oh glob. I just realized I showed you guys I changed schools but i didn't talk about what course I have in university. My major now is in Communications. Yikes. Sorry. I chose this because I think this can actually help me more in teaching everyone :D And I feel like I can be more versatile in this field. So I hope everyone would still support me? :) Oh yeah I also wanted to let everyone know I applied somewhere else and there is a possibility I would stay there instead. I mean there are requirements that I still don't know how I can give them. But I think I'll be there. Again I'll tell you guys where I'll be when I finally have a running profile I can show you guys. And I'm also still mentally preparing myself that I'm really leaving my first job. Although I'm still going to be in the same field. it still feels unreal. oh yeah here's a picture of me during the interview a few days ago. It was when I got Harimaron. haha. Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know. :) Fat Meiko

I just wanted to share a lesson I learned during class a few days ago. There are 4 kinds of communication namely: interpersonal communication, group communication, organizational communication, and mass communication.
Interpersonal communication is done by 2 people where whatever is being conveyed is private.
Group communication happens when there are 3 to 10 people involved in the conversation.
Organizational communication happens when there are devices needed to keep the communication flow between participants of the communication.
Lastly, mass communication is the one we call public communication where the speaker conducts the communication process with an audience.
The difference of Mass Communication from other communication though is that the possible feedback from the listeners would be limited, most feedback would be non verbal and a yes or no question from the speaker. We could say that there is little to no interaction from speaker and listener. Most of the communication process is done by the speaker.
It's kinda personal on the next paragraph so it's up to you guys if you still want to read.

So are you guys asking why I had a small lecture before starting this blog? Well, I've been thinking. Maybe the reason I choose Mass Communication is that it prevents me from having interpersonal relationship. I dunno I feel really weird and scared now of having to be close with anyone. Someone pointed out that I'm Clingy. I have no choice but to believe him because he's right. I'm soo attached to people when they let me and I feel lonely and so alone now that I am in an environment where I know nobody and the ones I left behind, I cannot connect with again. I've been soo used to companionship that it's making me feel lonely. I've been thinking, part of the reason why I might want to be in front of a mass rather than just a person is that I can still keep my distance. I'm afraid of leaving and being left behind.


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