Mandatory post still


やばい The year just started and I'm already not following my resolution. tsk. Well I have been kind of boring and I don't have anything interesting to say orz please forgive me. My thoughts are on either school, learning Russian, my missing passport, Yuri on Ice, and NigeHaji. well I want my blog to be interesting so sorry I don't want to post something to make you guys worried because I have been very anxious lately. But I'm hoping everything will work out this month. And hopefully my father wont bug me anymore about those. It's kinda annoying but hopefully everything works out. Well since I'm boring today I'll just say this is another mandatory post about my day. hmmm. So what did I do today? Well I had classes in the morning and since there were only a few I decided to sleep after it. I was planning on going to the gym but the holidays still destroyed my sleeping habits so I still need to adjust so I had to sleep after classes. And then after that I made my project while my friend was video calling me on Facebook. I was kinda late for my class today because my shoe was missing! hahaha! Anyways I also thought my exam permit was missing so I requested to have another copy from the cashier but it turns out it was just inside my bag! I just wanted to say that 2016 is messing up my stuff :( My things keep getting missing :( I don't know what's wrong :( I know where I put my stuff but why do they keep getting lost? Anyway I don't want to trouble anyone. So for now, here's a picture of Nobunari Oda saying Hi/Bye! hehe See you! :D


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