

やばい I'm such a child again. I ended up eating at mcdonalds today because I wanted to have this guy.

Yeah that's right. I got myself harimaron. oh yeah. he's so adorable. Anyways. I just wanted to let you guys know that I can't stay at ぐんぐん anymore and I'm going on an interview today. I'm really sorry. I really wanted to stay. But I don't know if I can keep up with some of their new policies. I'm just a student. So anyways. Wish me luck? I'm kinda wishing some of you guys are also enrolled there. I'll reveal where I will be if I got in ok? besides. If this doesn't work out, I'll try going back to ぐんぐん again. たぶん。You guys who read here would be the first to know. haha. I'll still try my best to get in tho. Who knows? maybe a new environment is healthy too? And you guys can catch me more here. haha. I promise I'll let you guys know. じゃ


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