Cup of China Initial Reaction


This is their first performance this season and yet it feels like it's the 2nd half of the season already! This is so amazing I'm so in love! I kind of forgot that Satoko was for next week. I thought she's gonna perform this week but then again I can always wait for next week. but now I get to see this glorious performance. I love it. I have no regrets. <3

Aia I also love Elena's performance this time! Aia! she deserves this. I'm a bit nervous for team Japan tho. Not sure if a lot of Japanese ladies will get to the GPF! Aia! I'm so nervous! I have a lot of skaters I like and want to win! I'm not even sure who to root for anymore! haha I'm so nervous! I'm not watching the Grand Prix series live so I'm scared I'm not sure what the scores are lately and the standings. haha I'm too nervous to think about it! Aia I'm still not gonna talk technical stuff and such. I'm thinking about doing it before and after the GPF. I'll talk about techniques and stuff that I find amazing. basically me nit picking. haha. I'll go and watch some others and come back tomorrow or something. I promised myself to watch Kamiki later. haha


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