

I finally got it! :D

not sure if I got it a few days ago because I don't really look at my main page anymore but then I just looked and I didn't expect to see this gem! None of my bosses have actually told me yet but it's up already :D I feel really happy! :D

Uhm what is this and what am I so excited about? well that small mic thingy tag is the Speaking Test tag. You guys know TOEIC or TOEFL? Well those exams have exams that have both writing and speaking exams. I love the fact that this company has an emulator for those exams in their own format. I can give speaking exams that are similar to TOEIC :) Although the results I can give you are your personal abilities within engoo or DMM. It checks your level :) I just wanted to share this because I used to do something similar to this at my previous company. I'm just happy I can do something familiar again. I'm trying to have another tag added so wish me luck that I can get it :) See you guys in class :D


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