
As much as I hate admitting my fears, I have one I'm scared of that I'm currently unsure of what to do about. Mostly it's because it's something I really don't want and I still have to deal with it because it might be my reality, which is why I'm afraid of it. Ok so what am I talking about? the reality that I might have to wear glasses. I don't want it. すごく大嫌いですよ。やだ。I took care of my eyes so hard just so I never have to wear glasses again. I'm saying again because I did used to have glasses as a kid. but I kinda did bad things to it so I have to remove them. so my naughtiness actually paied off and corrected my astigmatism as a kid. I don't want to wear glasses for reals :( I don't want :( so here is what I look like now because Kate was basically scaring me yesterday that it's my eyes that might be the reason for my almost constant head aches. すごく欲しくない。I hope these lessen the headaches even if I feel stupid. whatever works.


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