Review: Star Trek


I'm not sure if I've told anyone but I really love Star Trek reboot. I don't think I can watch the original series yet. I don't want to compare the original one from this one, and I guess it's from my generation and I guess it was made so people like me who are from this generation to love the classic series. As in I think this might be my most favorite movie series now. I'll try to list the reasons as to why it is so.

The first thing I love about Star Trek is that it shows cultural diversity. United Federation of the Planets. Don't you just love the idea of all special co habituating and having one council representing them? I honestly love ASEAN. I mean, I always think of South East Asia as a place where there are countries with groups of islands. So guess what? Those group of islands didn't care and just made an association representing all of them despite having big cultural differences within their countries and outside their archipelagos. I think it's really amazing that in Star Trek all the members of the Federation are walking around each other's planets co habituating without discrimination nor prejudices. I want our world to be like that. Isn't it making anyone jealous that the main protagonists have deep dependency between each other and they aren't from the same planet. Oh yeah. The best reason to love the Enterprise crew? There's a Scottish engineer, a Japanese helmsman, a Russian navigator, Vulcan-Human first officer. So yeah basically I love all of them but I listed the first three people I love the most. Most of the crew might be human, but there are others who are not really named but everyone in the Enterprise respect each other despite their race and cultural differences. What keeps them together? Their love for space.

Another thing I loved about Star Trek is that because of it I really took the time to understand air force ranks because of it. Well I want to share that I learned military ranks because of Full Metal Alchemist but air force and military ranks are different. Well yeah military ranks are important, but I can't see much about military ranks but politics and power houses. I love air force ranks maybe because the Enterprise crew don't really try to advance and leave their crew. It's especially clear in the third movie where Jim was offered Vice Admiral position in Yorktown and he chooses instead to still be Enterprise's Captain where he can be himself with his crew. And the time where Jim and Spock were practically separated in the second movie because he was demoted and put in another crew. He proposed a mission after a certain incident not sure if anyone would be interested and I'll spoil them and he still choses his crew to be with in that mission. He treats his crew as family and is distraught whenever he sees something bad happens to his crew mates. It might not be expressive but his actions show all of his love for his crew. And everyone loves him back. Nyota practically traps herself with Krall trusting that Jim will save her and the other members of the crew. They don't have second doubts. Although Krall is right that the crew's love for each other is also their weakness. Spock was mortally wounded yet Bones wouldn't leave him to be on his own. Another instance is when Krall was about to kill Hikaru and they gave what Krall wanted because they didn't want Hikaru to die. They're actually family more than a crew now at I think about it.

Another thing I love about Star Trek is that it is infinite. Star Trek actually opened my eyes to the different kinds of time travel. I understood the different kinds of time travel. Here in Star Trek, they believe that space time continuum is altered when you time travel. Meaning you are living another life when you time travel. This reboot series is actually another time dimension from the originals which is why I don't want to watch the originals. This series is now different from the last. It might have similarities, but the life they are living is different from the last which is why Admiral Spock does not interfere as much as possible with the lives of the current Enterprise crew. He knows how his life plays out but the lives of the current Jim and Spock is different from him and his friend Jim from his time. Want proof? I only know a few things about the original series so there are only a few ok? Jim's father is dead. In the original series, Spock said that Jim's dad lived to see him become a captain. Spock also says that in the original timeline, Jim's inspiration to join the Starfleet was because of his father unlike in the alternate timeline where he only joined because of a dare. Another difference is that the planet Vulcan is diminished to nothing in this timeline. Ok last difference is in the second movie where Jim dies instead of Spock dying. It was Spock doing everything he can to avenge Jim and along the way finding a way to revive Jim.

I can list lots of more things about why I love this series but I think I kinda forgot some of them. I'll list more when I can think about it :) Anyways this post was supposed to be posted in my other blog but I decided to post it here as well in hopes there would be some interested in the series as well. It's really amazing and I wanted to let you guys know what kind of person I am and the things that interest me. Anyways that's pretty much it about this post. This is long anyways owo.


bonus gifs of the lovely crew. I made these gifs

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