23:05I'm crying. I'm dying. hahahaha. I can't live on. hahahaha. as much as I want to post something. I don't think I'll be able to really put anything that is valuable because my mind is full of Peach girl. I've been waiting for this for months I guess. I can't believe it. I'm here now. I watched it, and honestly, I don't understand all of the conversations but I got the gist of most of it. Ugh! I can't believe it! I waited soo long for this. And I have to download it again because the ending got cut. haha. I can't believe it. The most important part wasn't shown completely. hahahaha This is the worst. 今テンションMAXだ(笑)すみません I don't know what else to do. haha I might make a review of it on the other blog I have. This might be all for now. I'm too happy right now.