Just another filler gomen


I'm seriously missing days now TwT I feel sad I couldn't do the everyday challenge kind of blog again. もう Next month! Really really! I wonder if I should even try to have like Christmas themed posts? I realized I don't have a lot of Halloween themed posts this month. I just wanted to share that that isn't really a big part of the culture in the Philippines. I realize I should have made a culture tag long ago. tsk tsk. I mean there are other things that I posted a long time that have something to do with culture. It didn't come to mind to make one. I don't think I'll be too enthusiastic to go back to old posts tho? I dunno. Well the most halloween themed I can get is another picture from last Tuesday. haha that might be all you can get from me. well for now. I better go and study something じゃね


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