
Since I already started this format I decided to just continue it with another (੭ु ´͈꒳​`͈)੭ु⁾⁾ I think I need to buy sunglasses. www I had a lot of conversation yesterday about how bright it is in the Philippines and they made me realize that it's actually very important to have sunglasses. UV rays are too strong here in the Philippines and I might end up hurting myself. haha. Not just for fashion purposes, but it's really very dangerous now. I have to share tho I have glasses at my parents house so I might end up using that one instead. But I kinda want to have glasses similar to the one I'm using as a default pic in Google+

As usual since I'm already at the topic of eyes. I might as well talk about my eyes. I'm not sure? But based from what I remember during the driving test I had last year, it says I have 20/15? vision sorry I'm really not sure, I forgot. I just wanted to share. I also have corrected astigmatism. I used to wear glasses as a kid but I kept losing them. So after having 3 glasses, I didn't need them anymore. (笑) I'm a weirdo. I know. Sorry about the picture. I'm actually very conscious of my eyes so I tend to like pictures of me without eyes better. Like the picture on my sidebar. Even the picture I had on Facebook. I'm conscious mostly because my eyes look like they're not equal. Maybe because I can raise my left eyebrow. Maybe because my right eye got infected before, I dunno. It just isn't really equal. I have double lids? anyways I run out of things to say. I kinda feel like I'm self centered because of these posts. sorry /wrist See you guys in class :)


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