Crazy Day Off


Hi. I didn't get to post anything yesterday. sorry I got an unexpected day off yesterday and I ended up spending it with my aunt. I have to say tho, some days I love my aunt, and some days I totally hate her. Well yesterday was the latter one unfortunately. Well she was very random yesterday and she was really teasing me yesterday. Everyone knows that I work in Makati now and I don't get to see Manila City now (which I have been for 4 years of my life due to college.) You see yesterday she was really random and she brought me there. She really went out of the way to Intramuros just to show my school to me. But It was fine. Here's a picture of the logo of my school. Oh I purposely took a picture of the street sign as well so don't be bothered ね?

So after that we went to do the errand that my mom told us to do in Quezon City. And after that I asked her if we could relax a bit and go around the mall since it was rare that we were in Quezon. She suggested that we go and look for a good phone model for me since I really needed a phone to properly talk to my mom. As we were going around I had a phone that I really liked. And the guy that was suggesting the said phone was already asking me what color I wanted. And before I know it I was already buying the phone :))) Anyways I like the phone anyways so I'm not complaining. It's called Oppo Neo 5. I'm sharing a photo of it as well

Well that might be all I'm sharing for now. I hope there would be more students to talk to today :) Hope to talk to you guys later :)


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